Saturday, April 21, 2007


I talked about the the book "The World is Flat" in previous posts
Yesterday, we were invited for dinner at my cousin house, when he told me that he wanted to show me a book he is currently reading; It was "THE WORLD IS FLAT". I thought that he showed me the book after reading my blog, but what not the case, it was quite serendipitous.
It is a big book and you should read and evaluate the content carefuly and not take everything in it for granted

Ammar Sajdi


Anonymous said...

My mom read this book and actually read a few chapters aloud to me one day while I was driving. It is really good and makes some great points. I need to check it out and read it myself now.
Your last post about it made me laugh. Sometimes our moms are more up-to-date than we are!:)

Ammar said...

how could you comprehend the content of a book while driving, can u really concentrate withoug being distracted

Anonymous said...

Ok- this book is following me! I went to a workshop yesterday on "How to get kids to read more" and the presenter spoke of this book for several minutes.
Actually, we have always read aloud to each other in my family, and I'm pretty used to my mom reading to me when I drive. I usually don't get too distracted, except if she's reading to me over the phone- the I admit I have a tendancy to drift.
ps- Love hearing about London.I studied an hour north of London in college.

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Getting Ref of the View Object referenced by the current Iterator binding for One iterator page without knowing the name of the iterator ...