It is now official
In solidarity with the people of Gaza, I am particiapting in a fund raising cycling event.
Cycling 4 Gaza aims to raise awareness about the ongoing suffering in Gaza by bringing together a group of people from all over the world each year to cycle across continents, with the ultimate aim of reaching Gaza. (
Last year, Cycling 4 Gaza brought together 27 people of all ages and backgrounds to take part
in the challenge of cycling from London to Paris. We covered over 300 km in 3 days, and raised
over £90,000 for Medical Aid for Palestinians in support of their healthcare projects in Gaza.
These included emergency maternal and newborn healthcare, specialist burns care training, and training staff in primary trauma care. This year, and
Between the 29th of September and the 2nd of October, we will be embarking on a tough hysical and mental challenge, cycling from Pisa to Rome in just 4 days.
in the challenge of cycling from London to Paris. We covered over 300 km in 3 days, and raised
over £90,000 for Medical Aid for Palestinians in support of their healthcare projects in Gaza.
These included emergency maternal and newborn healthcare, specialist burns care training, and training staff in primary trauma care. This year, and
Between the 29th of September and the 2nd of October, we will be embarking on a tough hysical and mental challenge, cycling from Pisa to Rome in just 4 days.
If you can provide financial help kindly email me at