Sunday, June 25, 2017

Say Hi to Julia

By Ammar Sajdi

Well, Do not get too excited, Julia is a programming language. It saw the light on Valentine’s Day, 2012.
While it can be an effective general-purpose programming language, the real strength of Julia is the fact that provides for high-performance, parallel, and distributed computing.  

Well parallel and distributed caught my attention, I never wrote a program that can unleash the power of parallel computing. I looked at the language, and it is really easy to do parallel computing. This makes it suitable for applications that involve intense numerical analysis

if you want to know what people think of Julia refer to

someone said

There was never a doubt in my mind that Julia is good, probably the best language for the future, will succeed/already has for the scientific audience (as clearly better than all alternatives, for performance work where you also want to be "dynamic"). It's estimated to have exponential growth of users, doubling every 9 months now, estimated at 100,000 users, with I forget how many downloads per day. Look it up (it's in a video on YouTube, from one of the key Julia people).

I'm sure the rest of (non-HPC) programmers will eventually clue up, and use it as the general language that it is.

finally, I met a young relative of mine who is studying Engineering at Stanford, and part of the industrial engineering curriculum is to take a course in Julia programming.

EDIT Sept 18, 2024:  So far it seems that Julia's programming language is not picking up as I thought. People still prefer to use Python. Julia could still be needed in certain situations like distributed and parallel processing.


Ammar  Sajdi -  REALSOFT

ليش اسمه عيد

Ammar Sajdi   ,  2017

well I wrote about it before

3id in Arabic comes from E3adah (return, repetition). Saying Happy Eid implicitly means that one wishes the happy return of this occasion

Do I wish the return of events that occurred this year, well in the regional front, it has been bad and getting worse

civil war in Syria (not anymore a civil war, but a war fought by many countries on Syrian soil).

The Saudi war against Yemen,, Cholera breakout in Yemen, Gulf-Qatar Crises, Political unrest in Libya, Palestinian Hunger strike in Israeli prisons, and the list goes on.

Almotanabi summed it up by saying

عيد الي حال عدت يا عيد                                       بما مضى ام بامر فيك تجديد                         

ولا ماني شايف تجديد    شايف بما مضى بس اسوأ حالا

ولكن وعلى كل حال   كل عام ونتم بخير


Thursday, May 11, 2017

The most captivating communicator in the history of Science Richard Feynman birthday is today

Richard Feynman, the most amusing, most captivating brilliant man  (In my opinion) would be 99 years.

Learn more about him and watch this video, watch his presentation skills, and his influential lecturing capabilities, he was always the center of attention.  watch and learn how to become a charming person

Ammar Sajdi
Amman, jordan 2017, May 11

Wednesday, May 10, 2017


wondering what Fuchsia is?
well it is a new product from Google!!  
You would guess most probably it is a piece of software, well you have got it right!
Rumor has it that it  Googles mysterious new OS. It is probably intended to power future google based devices like smartphones and tablets, and it will replace Android;
It has a new user interface called Armadillo, it is a new UI vastly different from anything you ve seen.  No icons, no gadgets, there are sneak previews floating around over the internet, go and find out

Ammar Sajdi

Sunday, May 07, 2017

<أَفَلَا يَتَدَبَّرُونَ الْقُرْآَنَ أَمْ عَلَى قُلُوبٍ أَقْفَالُهَا>

أَفَلَا يَتَدَبَّرُونَ الْقُرْآَنَ أَمْ عَلَى قُلُوبٍ أَقْفَالُهَا 

لا تقفل على قلبك

"كلما ازددت علما ازداد علمي بجهلي"

Monday, May 01, 2017

Crazy vacation - part I

P A R T (I)

I have not been blogging for quite a while about my activities for several reasons, however, I have decided to blog in order to document a vacation I took in Turkey.

It reminded me of earlier blogs that I had written ten years back when I visited Turkey with family. It was nice to go back and read what I wrote and then

I am reciting from that earlier block as it seems that some commonalities still exist.  The following tells you how the earlier blog began (

  • maybe it is LIS (Lack of Interest Syndrome) or my every-once-in-a-while mood swing cycle. Not being in the mood. As a remedial, I am taking a break, Yeah, I am traveling! What is unique this time is the fact that I shall be traveling on vacation with family and relatives.
well, this time i already traveled and I am back, I traveled on a sailing trip to the southern coast of Turkey with five guys namely 
  • Zaher Bushnaq
  • Rajai Bushnaq
  • AlaEddin Busnaq
  • Husam Katkhoda (Bushnaq)
The name Bushnaq comes from Bosnia because this family came from Bosnia early days of the last century.

The target (without a plan )set forth by Captain Rajai Bushanq was to sail from Marmaris to Bodrum and back in 5 days and 4 nights. Well, to cut your suspense short, i will tell you right away that it did not happen. Nothing happens without a good plan.  It is more than 400 Km round trip. In navigation, nautical miles unit of measure is used. A nautical mile is equal to 1850 Meters and hence it is longer than 1 Mile.  To add a piece of information, sailors, Pilots, and navigators in general use nautical miles, because a nautical mile is a measure that is based on the circumference of the earth and is equal to one minute of latitude. Note on the map that one sails very close to the Greek waters and you do not want to slip into their territories by mistake; it is too close

First Day:  Saturday 22/4/2017,  we left Amman at around 11, we arrived in Istanbul, then immediately (well not exactly immediately, but after 3 hours) took a connecting flight to Marmaris, where the rented boat was waiting for us. 
Upon arrival, it started raining, and when it rains, it pours. We took a minibus to Marmaris, and it took around 1 and a half hours to reach our destination, it was dark and we could not see anything on the way.,  When we arrived at the Marina, it was still pouring rain and there was nobody there. We knew the name of our boat (PEARL) and we luckily found it.  We were soaking wet, and to my pleasant surprise, the boat was equipped with 4 small bedrooms. Each bedroom is very small, equipped with a bathroom (so-called bathroom, to give you an idea, it is smaller than the bathroom of commercial aircraft, except it has a shower as well).  The boat tips badly with wind and gets really scary at times

Forgot to mention that it was also cold, really cold. I had to wear my CASHMERE blouse to get warm in addition to the woolen blanket that you can see in the picture. Notice that the window is located on the ceiling. As for your belongings, there is a small area on the right, that you need to manage.  I was tired and even though the guys wanted to go to a restaurant (pub to be honest) I declined as it was too wet to venture into such things, and I slept like a baby.

The morning after:

Husam keeps shouting. This is a habit of his, so we had to wake up early, it was not raining anymore, but was still cold.  Well, I am pleased to learn that there is a public WC with a shower area. it was spacious and clean, and without any reluctance, I decided to use the public WC rather than the in-boat alternative.  The in-boat alternative is built for people who are not tall, i am 191 cm tall and hence not the perfect fit to use the bathroom with its miniature shower area

Ammar Sajdi

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Fail to login to Oracle BIEE analytics page even though you know for sure that your analytics username and password are correct

This is a purely technical post , that i am writing primarily to remind myself about many issues that would face anyone trying to login to the oracle BI analytics page  (http://server:7001/analytics )

Two log files that you need to inspect

nqServer.log  located at  

and swlog1 located at

in the swlog1 i got errors similar to 

[2017-03-19T19:18:10.000+03:00] [OBIPS] [ERROR:1] [] [] [ecid: 00ieQim1zLuFw0zlbq0CBz3aJzi3jwIx600010^000000,0:2487] [tid: 3188] Authentication Failure.
Odbc driver returned an error (SQLDriverConnectW).
State: 08004.  Code: 10018.  [NQODBC] [SQL_STATE: 08004] [nQSError: 10018] Access for the requested connection is refused.
[nQSError: 43113] Message returned from OBIS.
[nQSError: 43126] Authentication failed: invalid user/password. (08004)[[

and in the nqServer  i got errors similar to 

[2017-03-19T19:18:09.000+00:00] [OracleBIServerComponent] [ERROR:1] [] [] [ecid: 00ieQim1zLuFw0zlbq0CBz3aJzi3jwIx600010^000000] [tid: b48] Error Message From BI Security Service: SecurityService::authenticateUserWithLanguageUnexpected error authenticating user {0}
[2017-03-19T19:18:09.000+00:00] [OracleBIServerComponent] [ERROR:1] [] [] [ecid: 00ieQim1zLuFw0zlbq0CBz3aJzi3jwIx600010^000000] [tid: b48]  [nQSError: 43126] Authentication failed: invalid user/password.

there are many reason why you get authentication failed   with [nQSError 43126]

in my case the problem was related to the fact that not all JDBC data sources where deployed on both the BI cluster, and the AdminServer Cluster, they were all deployed on the BI Cluster, and some on the AdminServer. Once , i deployed the jdbc data sources on the AdminServer in addition to the BI Cluster, and then rebounced the services, the problems disappeared.

However, other caused are present, i found a very helpful  document on metalink that summarizes all possible problems that are manifested by

nQSError: 43126] Authentication failed: invalid user/password.

please check the document below

Note: Such error is caused by OBIEE trying to access the database, because if you look above , there is ODBC and SQL involved  (repeated here)
  "Odbc driver returned an error (SQLDriverConnectW).
State: 08004.  Code: 10018.  [NQODBC] [SQL_STATE: 08004] [nQSError: 10018] Access for the requested connection is refused".  

That is why i was thinking Data Source immediately

OBIEE 11g: Error:" [nQSError: 43126] Authentication failed: invalid user/password." (Doc ID 1472848.1)

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

أخترت لكم

عمان  كانون ثاني ٢٠١٧ 

اجد نفسي، وبعد ان خال لي اني هجرت الكتابة في هذا البلوج بضع من الزمان ، اعاود طرق بابة لجمال ما قرأت وذلك بعد ان فشلت مقامة عدم نشره هنا

من اقوال جبران خليل جبران

"البعض نحبهم لكن لا نقترب منهم ، فهم في البعد أحلى وهم في البعد أرقى وهم في البعد أغلى

والبعض نحبهم ونسعى كي نقترب منهم ونتقاسم تفاصيل الحياة معهم ويؤلمنا الابتعاد عنهم ويصعب علينا تصور الحياة حين تخلو منهم.

 والبعض نحبهم ونتمنى أن نعيش حكاية جميله معهم ونفتعل الصدف لكي نلتقي بهم ونختلق الأسباب كي نراهم ونعيش في الخيال أكثر من الواقع معهم

 والبعض نحبهم لكن بيننا وبين أنفسنا فقط فنصمت برغم الم الصمت فلا نجاهر بحبهم حتى لهم لان العوائق كثيرة  والعواقب مخيفه ومن الأفضل لنا ولهم أن تبقى الأبواب بيننا وبينهم مغلقه

والبعض نحبهم فنملأ الأرض بحبهم ونحدث الدنيا عنهم ونثرثر بهم
 في كل الأوقات ونحتاج إلى وجودهم كالماء ..والهواء ونختنق في غيابهم لابتعاد عنهم

 والبعض نحبهم لأننا لا نجد سواهم وحاجتنا إلى الحب تدفعنا
 نحوهم فالأيام تمضي والعمر ينقضي والزمن لا يقف ويرعبنا بأن نبقى بلا

والبعض نحبهم لان مثلهم لا يستحق سوى الحب ولا نملك أمامهم سوى أن نحب فنتعلم منهم أشياء جميله ونرمم معهم أشياء كثيرة ونعيد طلاء الحياة من جديد ونسعى صادقين كي نمنحهم بعض السعادة

 والبعض نحبهم لكننا لا نجد صدى لهذا الحب في قلوبهــم فننهار و ننكسر و نتخبط في حكايات فاشلة فلا نكرههم ولا ننساهم ولا نحب سواهم ونعود نبكيهم بعد كل محاوله فاشلة

 والبعض نحبهم ويبقى فقط أن يحبوننا مثلما نحبهم"

من اقوال جبران خليل جبران


Thursday, December 03, 2015

Measuring water flow using TmallTech Hall Effect Sesnors

I have installed a Geothermal system and wanted to make sure that i am using it in an efficient manner.

The system engineer did not install the necessary monitoring tools, therefore, i wanted to find cheap and easy to use Flow meters. I search on Amazon and found about a suite of devices provided by TmallTech.

It was not a plug and play setup because in order to do the calculation correctly, you need some manufacturer information.  I was disappointed that the manufacturer did not send any data sheet about the product.  I googled such data sheet to no avail.  The piece of information that you would need is called the K factor.  the K factor lets you convert the pulse that the hall effect sensor to flow.  The K factor depends on the device and its diameter!

After lots of research and calibration, i arrived to a suitable solution

First  You need to read the Hall Effect sensor reading.  for that you can do one of the following

1) Buy a Digital Tachometer Gauge RPM.  A bought a good one from amazon called

DROK® 0.56" Digital Tachometer Gauge RPM Speed Measure Gauge Meter DC7~30V Tester Velocimeter 60-9999 RPM with Red Display for 14 USD ..

2) Use Arduino kit to connect the hall effect sensor to it and do a little bit of programming or googling

3) Use a reading device that is designed to work with hall effect flow meter. I bought one, but also it comes with no user guide and therefore , was not able to change the K factor to be suitable for the device i am using.  So I do not recommend this options

Actually, the first option proved to be the most accurate and viable option.  

By the way, you need a power source to supply both the flow meter and the Tachometer.

The entire success of the story depends on Knowing the K factor.

Below you can find the K factor for devices suppled by TmallTech

The following table will help you find flow meter reading from hall effect pulse rates

Pulse per Lit
Formula  frequency = K * Q(Lit/min)
Case Study, pulse/min
Flow lit / min
G2 inch
Pulse per min/60 =  0.2 * Q
Q=1200/60/0.2=100 L/min
G 1 1/2 inch
Pulse per min/60=0.5 * Q
Q=2700/60/0.5=90 L/min
 G 1.0 inch
Pulse per min/60=4.8*Q
Q=1800/60/4.8=6.25 lit/m
G ¾ Inch
Pulse per min/60=5.5*Q
Q=2000/60/5.5=6 lit/min
G ½
Pulse per min/60=7.5Q
Q=1600/60/7.5=3.5 lit/min

For example let us take the 2 inch case
Measuring the pulse rate using a device from amazon called
DROK® 0.56" Digital Tachometer Gauge RPM Speed Measure Gauge Meter DC7~30V Tester Velocimetry 60-9999 RPM with Red Display
The device measured 1200 pulse/min
The manufacturer specification is that the flow meter generates 12 pulse per lit
Therefore, the Frequency HZ (pulse/second) is 1200/60=  20 Hz
Therefore, the flow per second is  20hz/12 = 1.66  lit/second
Applying the formula above gives the same result
Q = pulse per min/60 / 0.2 è  pulse/second  /0.2 è pulse/second /12/60 è 20/0.2=100 lit/second
ð    100/60 è  1.6 lit/min

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Spiritual Partnership

Love this quote 

"A great transformation is taking place. We are evolving beyond the limits of our 5 senses and are increasingly able to access data that we could not previously detect. A new surprising world is emerging around us and within us.  If we choose to realize its potential, we will forever alter our experiences and ourselves"

By  Gary Zukav, author of "The Dancing WU LI Masters"

Saturday, July 05, 2014

اجمل ما قيل في رثاء الاندلس

نونية ابو البقاء الرندي من أجمل المراثي التي قيلت في الأندلس بعدما سقطت
في يد اسبانيا النصرانية واجبروا المسلمين على التنصّر أو الهجرة أو القتل:
رثـــــاء  الأنـــدلــس
  1. لـكل شـيءٍ إذا مـا تـم نقصانُ      فـلا يُـغرُّ بـطيب العيش إنسانُ
  2. هـي الأمـورُ كـما شاهدتها دُولٌ      مَـن  سَـرَّهُ زَمـنٌ ساءَتهُ أزمانُ
  3. وهـذه الـدار لا تُـبقي على أحد      ولا  يـدوم عـلى حـالٍ لها شان
  4. يُـمزق  الـدهر حـتمًا كل سابغةٍ      إذا نـبت مـشْرفيّاتٌ وخُـرصانُ
  5. ويـنتضي  كـلّ سيف للفناء ولوْ      كـان  ابنَ ذي يزَن والغمدَ غُمدان
  6. أيـن الملوك ذَوو التيجان من يمنٍ      وأيـن  مـنهم أكـاليلٌ وتيجانُ ؟
  7. وأيـن مـا شـاده شـدَّادُ في إرمٍ      وأين ما ساسه في الفرس ساسانُ ؟
  8. وأيـن مـا حازه قارون من ذهب      وأيـن  عـادٌ وشـدادٌ وقحطانُ ؟
  9. أتـى عـلى الـكُل أمر لا مَرد له      حـتى قَـضَوا فكأن القوم ما كانوا
  10. وصـار ما كان من مُلك ومن مَلِك      كما حكى عن خيال الطّيفِ وسْنانُ
  11. دارَ  الـزّمانُ عـلى (دارا) وقاتِلِه      وأمَّ  كـسـرى فـما آواه إيـوانُ
  12. كـأنما  الصَّعب لم يسْهُل له سببُ      يـومًا ولا مَـلكَ الـدُنيا سُـليمانُ
  13. فـجائعُ  الـدهر أنـواعٌ مُـنوَّعة      ولـلـزمان  مـسرّاتٌ وأحـزانُ
  14. ولـلـحوادث سُـلـوان يـسهلها      ومـا  لـما حـلّ بالإسلام سُلوانُ
  15. دهـى  الـجزيرة أمرٌ لا عزاءَ له      هـوى  لـه أُحـدٌ وانـهدْ ثهلانُ
  16. أصابها العينُ في الإسلام فارتزأتْ      حـتى خَـلت مـنه أقطارٌ وبُلدانُ
  17. فـاسأل (بلنسيةً) ما شأنُ (مُرسيةً)      وأيـنَ (شـاطبةٌ) أمْ أيـنَ (جَيَّانُ)
  18. وأيـن (قُـرطبة)ٌ دارُ الـعلوم فكم      مـن عـالمٍ قـد سما فيها له شانُ
  19. وأين  (حْمص)ُ وما تحويه من نزهٍ      ونـهرهُا الـعَذبُ فـياضٌ وملآنُ
  20. قـواعدٌ كـنَّ أركـانَ الـبلاد فما      عـسى الـبقاءُ إذا لـم تبقَ أركانُ
  21. تـبكي الحنيفيةَ البيضاءُ من أسفٍ      كـما بـكى لـفراق الإلفِ هيمانُ
  22. عـلى  ديـار مـن الإسلام خالية      قـد أقـفرت ولـها بالكفر عُمرانُ
  23. حيث المساجد قد صارت كنائسَ ما      فـيـهنَّ  إلا نـواقيسٌ وصُـلبانُ
  24. حتى  المحاريبُ تبكي وهي جامدةٌ      حـتى الـمنابرُ ترثي وهي عيدانُ
  25. يـا غـافلاً وله في الدهرِ موعظةٌ      إن كـنت فـي سِنَةٍ فالدهرُ يقظانُ
  26. ومـاشيًا  مـرحًا يـلهيه مـوطنهُ      أبـعد  حمصٍ تَغرُّ المرءَ أوطانُ ؟
  27. تـلك الـمصيبةُ أنـستْ ما تقدمها      ومـا  لـها مع طولَ الدهرِ نسيانُ
  28. يـا راكـبين عتاق الخيلِ ضامرةً      كـأنها فـي مـجال السبقِ عقبانُ
  29. وحـاملين سـيُوفَ الـهندِ مرهفةُ      كـأنها فـي ظـلام الـنقع نيرانُ
  30. وراتـعين  وراء الـبحر في دعةٍ      لـهم  بـأوطانهم عـزٌّ وسـلطانُ
  31. أعـندكم  نـبأ مـن أهـل أندلسٍ      فـقد  سرى بحديثِ القومِ رُكبانُ ؟
  32. كم  يستغيث بنا المستضعفون وهم      قـتلى وأسـرى فما يهتز إنسان ؟
  33. مـاذا  الـتقاُطع في الإسلام بينكمُ      وأنـتمْ  يـا عـبادَ الله إخـوانُ ؟
  34. ألا  نـفـوسٌ أبَّـاتٌ لـها هـممٌ      أمـا عـلى الخيرِ أنصارٌ وأعوانُ
  35. يـا  مـن لـذلةِ قـومٍ بعدَ عزِّهمُ      أحـال  حـالهمْ جـورُ وطُـغيانُ
  36. بـالأمس كـانوا ملوكًا في منازلهم      والـيومَ هـم في بلاد الكفرِّ عُبدانُ
  37. فـلو  تـراهم حيارى لا دليل لهمْ      عـليهمُ مـن ثـيابِ الـذلِ ألوانُ
  38. ولـو رأيـتَ بـكاهُم عـندَ بيعهمُ      لـهالكَ  الأمـرُ واستهوتكَ أحزانُ
  39. يـا  ربَّ أمّ وطـفلٍ حـيلَ بينهما      كـمـا  تـفـرقَ أرواحٌ وأبـدانُ
  40. وطفلةً مثل حسنِ الشمسِ إذ طلعت      كـأنـما  يـاقـوتٌ ومـرجـانُ
  41. يـقودُها الـعلجُ لـلمكروه مكرهةً      والـعينُ  بـاكيةُ والـقلبُ حيرانُ
  42. لـمثل  هـذا يذوبُ القلبُ من كمدٍ      إن كـان فـي القلبِ إسلامٌ وإيمانُ
ابـــو  الـبـقـاء الـرنـدي

Fundamentals of Software Testing

Originally posted on jan , 23 2009, Published again on Sept,18,2024 extracted completely from