Tuesday, November 16, 2010


I have been yearning for this Eid Vacation so intensely, not only because it a global feast, but mainly because it also marked the end of the Jordan Parliamentary elections. Like the situation of electoral candidates, the last period was exasperating, But for me, it was for a different reason. I was not a candidates, but i was responsible for running the software infrastructure for the entire election process. It was a nightmarish experience! the logistics, the scale, the criticality, the performance etc , Just about 4000 users are connecedt directly to the central server and to the software we have created. But thank God, it is now part of the past and it went well.
for a whole month we worked real hard, days and night preparing for that one day 9/11/2010.
as part of demonstrating relief, we are going to our apartment at Tala Bay in Aqaba tomorrow morning, a step that will definitely annoy El-sha3shabonat that i am sure are enjoying the apartment that we paid for.

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Fundamentals of Software Testing

Originally posted on jan , 23 2009, Published again on Sept,18,2024 extracted completely from    http://testingsoftware.blogspot.com/2005/1...