Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Dont miss this place
I visited Jal3ad again two weeks back with the company guys. This is the second visit, I wrote about my first visit to Jalad in my third blog post back in August 14th, 2005 . I liked it this time more because of the greenery that this area enjoys during spring, really breath taking views. I had to reduce the resolution to make the size of the images, which resulted in deterioration of image quality. The actual images and the acual scenes are much nices, but this should give you an idea
That is me by the way, Ammar
Warm! Warm! weather coming up!!
The three coming days are going to be really warm. Temperature could be toping 27 Degree in Amman
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Jennifer Aniston on Oprah winfrey
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Most expensive ITEM on Amazon
Palindrome !!!?
I am an IT guy and most of my knowledge , including written and spoken languages, is tightly coupled to the IT domain (Tightly coupled is one example, where people talk about Tightly Coupled Multi-processor system).
Naturally, then, Palindrome, must have something to do with IT.
I was looking for a way to speed up retrieval of names from an Oracle database system based on some knowledge about the suffix of the name (letters at the end of the word). Normal indexing wont work since indexing is based on the prefix of the name (Like when you look up the phone no of a person using a phone book, you search by the leading part of the name and not the trailing part).
I wanted to try an old SYNTAX that i still remeber which is the Reverse Key index , in which, index entries are indexed by the trailing part. While this approach is not intended for my purpose and has its own usage, but to properly use such indexing method, I also need to reverse my search variable, for example
the original query is
it should become
To make is easier for the programmers, i thought that it would be good to introduce a REVRSE function so the the second query would look like
The REVERSE function takes care of resequencing the name.
So what does Palindrome have to do with this?
IF REVERSE (X) = X then X is a Palindrome
IF X reads the same backward or Forward then it satisfies the meaning of Palindrome
Actually, it does have to be a word , it also can be a whole sentence (Read the following sentecne backward "A man, a plan, a canal, Panama")
"Side note: the word has another medical meaning
A segment of double-stranded DNA in which the nucleotide sequence of one strand reads in reverse order to that of the complementary strand."
The longest Palindrome is believed to be tattarrattat , then detartrated
Some examples from the web
[phrases and sentences]
Do geese see God?
Was it Eliot's toilet I saw?
Murder for a jar of red rum.
Some men interpret nine memos.
Never odd or even.
can you verify that the following is Palindromic
Anyone with more words that satisfy the Palindrome criteria?
Friday, March 23, 2007
Most Expensive Capital in the Arab World
the EIU Worldwide Cost of Living Survey revealed that Amman is the most expesive city in the Arab World. The list goes as follows: (it seems that the survey did not actually cover all Arab Contries, as i cannot see Beirut in the list)
This year rank (last year rank) city
72 (70) Amman Jordan
79 (80) Casablanca Morocco
79 (71) Dubai UAE
85 (82) Abu Dhabi UAE
88 (87) Doha Qatar
98 (87) Riyadh Saudi Arabia
103 (95) Kuwait City Kuwait
103 (93) Muscat Oman
109 (100) Jeddah Saudi Arabia
111 (104) Al Khobar Saudi Arabia
116 (113) Cairo Egypt
118 (115) Damascus Syria
123 (115) Algiers Algeria
126 (122) Tripoli Libya
as the ranking shows, Amman stands at position no 70,
Intresting, no American city is among the top 25 most expensive city
1 (1) Oslo Norway
2 (4) Paris France
3 (6) Copenhagen Denmark
4 (7) London UK
5 (2) Tokyo Japan
6 (4) Osaka Kobe Japan
6 (3) Reykjavik Iceland
6 (8) Zurich Switzerland
9 (12) Frankfurt Germany
9 (10) Helsinki Finland
11 (13) Seoul South Korea
12 (9) Geneva Switzerland
12 (11) Vienna Austria
14 (16) Milan Italy
14 (24) Singapore Singapore
16 (14) Hong Kong Hong Kong
16 (14) Munich Germany
18 (19) Berlin Germany
18 (16) Sydney Australia
20 (21) Brussels Belgium
20 (16) Dublin Ireland
20 (n/a) Nouméa New Caledonia
20 (21) Stockholm Sweden
24 (19) Melbourne Australia
25 (24) Lyon France
New York comes @28 just after Moscow.
Rome @31, Chicago and Montreal tie @36, San Francisco @41 , Toronto @43, Instanbul @53, Athens and Miami tie @55, Boston @63 (little hard to believe) ,Rio de Janeiro @79, Atlanta @84.
At the end of the list
123 (115) Algiers Algeria
124 (124) Asuncion Paraguay
125 (121) Dhaka Bangladesh
126 (n/a) Kathmandu Nepal
126 (122) New Delhi India
126 (122) Tripoli Libya
129 (126) Karachi Pakistan
129 (124) Mumbai India
131 (127) Manila Philippines
132 (128) Tehran Iran
From a world wide perspective we are almost in the middle.
Ammar Sajdi
6 degrees of seperation - what a small world
For example, if you want to send a gift to Madona, call somebody you think he/she knows madona! chances are she/he does not know her personally, but then again, that person shall try to contact another person. If the chain continues, the gift is bound to reach Madona after 5 links (contacts). Maybe one can try this through the Linked-In network as well.
The theory was first proposed in 1929 by the Hungarian writer Frigyes Karinthy in a short story called "Chains."
" In 1967, American sociologist Stanley Milgram devised a new way to test the theory, which he called "the small-world problem." He randomly selected people in the mid-West to send packages to a stranger located in Massachusetts. The senders knew the recipient's name, occupation, and general location. They were instructed to send the package to a person they knew on a first-name basis who they thought was most likely, out of all their friends, to know the target personally. That person would do the same, and so on, until the package was personally delivered to its target recipient.
Although the participants expected the chain to include at least a hundred intermediaries, it only took (on average) between five and seven intermediaries to get each package delivered. Milgram's findings were published in Psychology Today and inspired the phrase "six degrees of separation."
Read the original article,,sid9_gci932596,00.html
ammar sajdi
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Presenting PowerPoint to business executives , The 10/20/30 Rule and the Meniere's Disease
a PowerPoint presentation
should have ten slides,
last no more than twenty minutes,
and contain no font smaller than thirty points
Ten is the optimal number of slides in a PowerPoint presentation because a normal human being cannot comprehend more than ten concepts in a meeting—and venture capitalists are very normal. (The only difference between you and venture capitalist is that he is getting paid to gamble with someone else’s money). If you must use more than ten slides to explain your business, you probably don’t have a business. The ten topics that a venture capitalist cares about are:
- Problem
- Your solution
- Business model
- Underlying magic/technology
- Marketing and sales
- Competition
- Team
- Projections and milestones
- Status and timeline
- Summary and call to action
You should give your ten slides in twenty minutes. Sure, you have an hour time slot, but you’re using a Windows laptop, so it will take forty minutes to make it work with the projector. Even if setup goes perfectly, people will arrive late and have to leave early. In a perfect world, you give your pitch in twenty minutes, and you have forty minutes left for discussion.
The reason people use a small font is twofold: first, that they don’t know their material well enough; second, they think that more text is more convincing. Total bozosity. Force yourself to use no font smaller than thirty points. I guarantee it will make your presentations better because it requires you to find the most salient points and to know how to explain them well. If “thirty points,” is too dogmatic, the I offer you an algorithm: find out the age of the oldest person in your audience and divide it by two. That’s your optimal font size.
Then Guy adds a comment
"So please observe the 10/20/30 Rule of PowerPoint. If nothing else, the next time someone in your audience complains of hearing loss, ringing, or vertigo, you’ll know what caused the problem"
Guy actually starts his blog by saying that he suffers from something called Ménière’s disease,
The symptoms of Ménière’s include hearing loss, tinnitus (a constant ringing sound), and vertigo. Guy claims that there are many medical reason that cause Ménière (too much salt, caffeine, or alcohol in one’s diet, too much stress, and allergies)
Guy then says that he is not subjected to any of the above causes, but he still gets Ménière’s disease. I Guess Guy was trying point out to the medical community that the audiance on NON 10/20/30 Presentation are prone to develop the Ménière’s disease as well.
Ammar Sajdi
Oracle consultant
Amman - jordan
Best Business books of 2006 (Business Week)
Business week compiled this list
1. Winning: The Answers: Confronting 74 of the Toughest Questions in Business TodayBy Jack and Suzy Welch
2. Success Built to Last: Creating a Life That MattersBy Jerry Porras, Stewart Emery, and Mark Thompson
3. The Number: A Completely Different Way to Think About the Rest of Your LifeBy Lee Eisenberg
4. The Speed of Trust: The One Thing That Changes EverythingBy Stephen Covey
5. The Difference Maker: Making Your Attitude Your Greatest AssetBy John Maxwell
6. You’re In Charge — Now What? The 8 Point PlanBy Thomas Neff and James Citrin
7. What Color is Your Parachute? 2007By Richard Nelson Bolles
8. What Should I Do With My Life?By Po Bronson
9. Now, Discover Your StrengthsBy Marcus Buckingham and Donald Clifton
10.Dilbert and the Way of the WeaselBy Scott Adams
Ammar Sajdi
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Chargers Chargers everywhere, but not ..
What wrong with electrical appliances manufacturer! They do not get it, Cannot we just make 2 or 3 standard models that all manufacturers can use. The idea is not far fetched! In fact, it is already implemented by battery operated devices. Why can i use the same battery set for all the different Remote Controls (for example). There are a few standard sizes and then you do not have to get the battery from the same manufacturer, nor do you have to have dozen of different batteries that cannot be used when you need them! In management, everybody is talking about standard operating procedure and all kinds of standard, ISO, IEC, EN, DN, and ANSI covering many different industries. Does it require a UN resolution to enforce standard chargers!
Ammar Sajdi
Friday, March 16, 2007
You are Spirit in the flesh.
You are Eternal Life expressing itself as You.
You are a cosmic being.
You are all power.
You are all wisdom.
You are all intelligence.
You are perfection.
You are magnificence.
You are the creator,
and you are creating the creation of You on this planet" (p. 164).
A best selling book (DVD) The Secret, by Rhonda Byrne and is spreading like crazy in the USA, especially after making it to the Oprah Winfrey Show. More than 16 million copies sold (BTW, any book selling more than 4000 Copies in the Arab World, makes it to the best selling list among arabic publication- sadly)
I did not read the book; i read reviews about it and would like to share this review with you
"The essence of The Secret is "the law of attraction." According to Byrne and the twenty-nine co-contributors whom she quotes extensively, everything in the Universe (which is always capitalized and usually synonymous for "God") vibrates on a particular frequency. When you think in harmony with the frequency of something, you attract it to you. If you think about wealth, you will receive wealth. If you think instead about your debt, you will receive more debt. You attract what you think about; your thoughts determine your destiny. Byrne restates the law of attraction in various ways: "Nothing [good or bad] can come into your experience unless you summon it through persistent thoughts" (p. 28). "Your thoughts are the primary cause of everything" (p. 33). "Your current reality or your current life is a result of the thoughts you have been thinking" (p. 71). According to the product description on the DVD, "This is The Secret to everything—the secret to unlimited joy, health, money, relationships, love, youth: everything you have ever wanted."
from my background in physics , we learned that when things vibrate in harmonious frequencies , they resonate but not Attract. Therefore, i am not sure that the essence of this book has any scientific support. Additionally, the Likes repel and do not attract. If i want to say that if i think about wealth a generate Positive charges and that wealth itself is positively charged, then no attraction should take place (With the exception of semiconductors, where positive charges can flow against the flow of positive charge - or the electrical field- due to changes in energy level and minority carriers having enough energy to cross the energy field barrier. A theory in solid state physics that made diodes and transistors become realities)
It is a controversial book, not only scientifically, but also religiously ..Not only is this evident from the starting paragraph of this post, but also in the following
The earth turns on its orbit for You.
The oceans ebb and flow for You.
The birds sing for You.
The sun rises and it sets for You.
The stars come out for You.
Every beautiful thing you see,
every wondrous thing you experience,
is all there for You.
Take a look around.
None of it can exist, without You.
No matter who you thought you were, now you know the Truth of Who You Really Are.
You are the master of the Universe.
You are the heir to the kingdom.
You are the perfection of Life.
And now you know The Secret (p. 183).
ammar sajdi
Fundamentals of Software Testing
Originally posted on jan , 23 2009, Published again on Sept,18,2024 extracted completely from
After years and year of debate, finally, we at REALSOFT will have two day weekend. That was not possible before due to the fact that our off...
An article my mother worte after visiting Nablus last month (NOV 2007) بعد عدة سنين وفجأة قررت والعائلة زيارة بلدنا المحتلة نابلس، لمشاركة أ...