Tuesday, January 06, 2009

لقد أسمعت لو ناديت حياً ولكن لا حياة لمن تنادي

"CARACAS, Venezuela – Venezuela ordered the expulsion of the Israeli ambassador on Tuesday to protest Israel's military offensive in theGaza strip"

That is Venezuela more than 10000 Km away, shame on us

Sunday, January 04, 2009

مكالمة مع الامل

الشاعر : أحمد مطر
أمس اتصلت بالأمل
قلت له: هل ممكن؟ أن يخرج العطر لنا من الفسيخ والبصل؟
قال: أجل.
قلت: وهل يمكن أن تشعَل النار بالبلل؟
قال: أجل.
قلت: وهل من حنظل يمكن تقطير العسل؟
قال: أجل.
قلت: وهل يمكن وضع الأرض في جيب زحل؟
قال: نعم، بلى، أجل..
فكل شيء محتمل.
قلت: إذن عربنا سيشعرون بالخجل؟
قال: تعال ابصق على وجهي... إذا هذا حصل

Monday, December 29, 2008

حفلة راس السنة

كيف ياترى سوف يحي اهل غزة سهرة ليلة راس السنة؟
وماذا عن عواصم الدول العربية كعمان وبيروت والقاهرة ودمشق؟
وهل هنالك ما يستدعي "الاحتفال" في مثل هذة الظروف
قلوب تعتصرها الالام واخرى فرحة بقدوم فرصة للسهر ولالحتفال بالمجهول
يا جماعة الاحتفال هولمن عندة السبب للاحتفال وليس لانها عادة يجب المحافظة عليها
اما بالنسبة لي فلم يكن عندي دافع للاحتفال, ليس هذة السنة فحسب، بل كافة السنوات السابقة وكيف يكون ذلك ونحن صغيرنا وكبيرنا، غنينا وفقيرنا نعيش في حالة من الذل والهوان ، نعاصر الهزيمة تلو الاخرى ونواظب الاحتفالات براس السنة الواحده تلو الاخرى. ادعوا المحتفلين بان يتبرعوا لغزة بمبالغ تساوي المبالغ التي ستنفق على السهرة، ان كان لا بد من السهر وهذا اضعف الايمان

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Frigid cold temperature

Arctic wind is on its way to the middle east, Expect -2 , -3 temperature Wed, and Thursday. Most probably dry weather shall prevail.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Weather wise

Expect freezing cold nights in the coming two days, probably sub zero temperatures.
Cold north easterly winds, and by virtue of its origin, it shall be dry.
This will make feel like much colder as well

Let your shoes do the talking

No, I am not going to talk about the size 10 shoe that barely missed President Bush's head, nor about the dilemma that this event would cause security agents all over the world as metal detectors cannot detect your metal-free shoes. Or trying to imagine a future presidential press meeting attended by shoeless attendees on a hot summer day afternoon. I will, on the other hand, show u a joke that I received some time back

Ammar Sajdi

Monday, December 08, 2008

كل سنة وانتم طيبين

I just cannot find anything better than what Al-mutanbi said

عيد بأي حال عدت يا عيد بما مضى آم بأمر فيك تغيير

I also must say that i am distressed about the new of the accident that claimed the life of 4 young people in Aqaba (12 graders), may their souls rest is piece and may god empower their parents and loved ones with patience.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

One giant leap towards safe Driving

Car manufacturer strive fiercely to yield ever safer driving experiences. Millions of Dollars are spent in research and development towards this end. Cutting Edge technology has been currently devoted to come up with the state-of-the-art-technology in making our driving experience safer than ever. Finally, the panacea for safety, watch this seat belt in your future car

Saturday, November 22, 2008

ban on Alcohol? a myth or a reality

In many occasions, i find myself debating why i am a no-no guy when it comes to alcohol consumption. of course, to many i am just NOT COOL, BORING. lack progressive thinking! And my mind is simply rendered incapacitated by some disputable religious doctrines! in other words , i am simply متخلف.

Well in an article published today by By GREGORY KATZ, Associated Press Writer,
Britain is considering imposing restriction on alcohol drinking as drink related death is on the rise. This is mainly due to liver problems among young people and such condition is signaling a future epidemic. As a first step, a ban on HAPPY HOURS (discounted drinking hour at bars and rest) is considered. The government is also planning to spend 10 million pounds (15 Million USD) on awareness campaign and enforcement laws against under age drinking.

I would not have personally dared to be a health advocate against alcohol drinking, because, given the above perception, people would immediately think that i am being biased, and as such driven into defending my beliefs in any way. This time, it is Gregory Katz of the associated press that you need to argue with

Friday, November 14, 2008


Jennifer Aniston,on Oprah Show was cool
the charming 50 years old Michelle Pfeiffer in "I could never be your woman was also cool"

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Engineers of Jihad

Which academic pursuit has been the most prevalent among Islamic Jihadis?

An interesting article appeared in IEEE spectrum magazine September issue Volume 45 number 9 which exactly answers this question

Steffen Hertog and Diego Gambetta studied files of 404 people Jihad activist from 30 countries, only to find that the most prevalent academic pursuit is ENGINEERING.

out of the 404 people, the study could only confirm the academic standing of 178 people. 44% were engineers - most of them Electrical , Civil and Computer Engineers.

The paper submitted by these two gentlemen (no 2007-10, University of Oxford) revealed the following figure for fields of study

Engineers 78
Islamic Studies 34
Medicine 14
Business/Economics 12
Education 5
others 28
Subject Unknown 18


Ammar Sajdi

Fundamentals of Software Testing

Originally posted on jan , 23 2009, Published again on Sept,18,2024 extracted completely from    http://testingsoftware.blogspot.com/2005/1...