Thursday, December 03, 2015

Measuring water flow using TmallTech Hall Effect Sesnors

I have installed a Geothermal system and wanted to make sure that i am using it in an efficient manner.

The system engineer did not install the necessary monitoring tools, therefore, i wanted to find cheap and easy to use Flow meters. I search on Amazon and found about a suite of devices provided by TmallTech.

It was not a plug and play setup because in order to do the calculation correctly, you need some manufacturer information.  I was disappointed that the manufacturer did not send any data sheet about the product.  I googled such data sheet to no avail.  The piece of information that you would need is called the K factor.  the K factor lets you convert the pulse that the hall effect sensor to flow.  The K factor depends on the device and its diameter!

After lots of research and calibration, i arrived to a suitable solution

First  You need to read the Hall Effect sensor reading.  for that you can do one of the following

1) Buy a Digital Tachometer Gauge RPM.  A bought a good one from amazon called

DROK® 0.56" Digital Tachometer Gauge RPM Speed Measure Gauge Meter DC7~30V Tester Velocimeter 60-9999 RPM with Red Display for 14 USD ..

2) Use Arduino kit to connect the hall effect sensor to it and do a little bit of programming or googling

3) Use a reading device that is designed to work with hall effect flow meter. I bought one, but also it comes with no user guide and therefore , was not able to change the K factor to be suitable for the device i am using.  So I do not recommend this options

Actually, the first option proved to be the most accurate and viable option.  

By the way, you need a power source to supply both the flow meter and the Tachometer.

The entire success of the story depends on Knowing the K factor.

Below you can find the K factor for devices suppled by TmallTech

The following table will help you find flow meter reading from hall effect pulse rates

Pulse per Lit
Formula  frequency = K * Q(Lit/min)
Case Study, pulse/min
Flow lit / min
G2 inch
Pulse per min/60 =  0.2 * Q
Q=1200/60/0.2=100 L/min
G 1 1/2 inch
Pulse per min/60=0.5 * Q
Q=2700/60/0.5=90 L/min
 G 1.0 inch
Pulse per min/60=4.8*Q
Q=1800/60/4.8=6.25 lit/m
G ¾ Inch
Pulse per min/60=5.5*Q
Q=2000/60/5.5=6 lit/min
G ½
Pulse per min/60=7.5Q
Q=1600/60/7.5=3.5 lit/min

For example let us take the 2 inch case
Measuring the pulse rate using a device from amazon called
DROK® 0.56" Digital Tachometer Gauge RPM Speed Measure Gauge Meter DC7~30V Tester Velocimetry 60-9999 RPM with Red Display
The device measured 1200 pulse/min
The manufacturer specification is that the flow meter generates 12 pulse per lit
Therefore, the Frequency HZ (pulse/second) is 1200/60=  20 Hz
Therefore, the flow per second is  20hz/12 = 1.66  lit/second
Applying the formula above gives the same result
Q = pulse per min/60 / 0.2 è  pulse/second  /0.2 è pulse/second /12/60 è 20/0.2=100 lit/second
ð    100/60 è  1.6 lit/min

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Spiritual Partnership

Love this quote 

"A great transformation is taking place. We are evolving beyond the limits of our 5 senses and are increasingly able to access data that we could not previously detect. A new surprising world is emerging around us and within us.  If we choose to realize its potential, we will forever alter our experiences and ourselves"

By  Gary Zukav, author of "The Dancing WU LI Masters"

Saturday, July 05, 2014

اجمل ما قيل في رثاء الاندلس

نونية ابو البقاء الرندي من أجمل المراثي التي قيلت في الأندلس بعدما سقطت
في يد اسبانيا النصرانية واجبروا المسلمين على التنصّر أو الهجرة أو القتل:
رثـــــاء  الأنـــدلــس
  1. لـكل شـيءٍ إذا مـا تـم نقصانُ      فـلا يُـغرُّ بـطيب العيش إنسانُ
  2. هـي الأمـورُ كـما شاهدتها دُولٌ      مَـن  سَـرَّهُ زَمـنٌ ساءَتهُ أزمانُ
  3. وهـذه الـدار لا تُـبقي على أحد      ولا  يـدوم عـلى حـالٍ لها شان
  4. يُـمزق  الـدهر حـتمًا كل سابغةٍ      إذا نـبت مـشْرفيّاتٌ وخُـرصانُ
  5. ويـنتضي  كـلّ سيف للفناء ولوْ      كـان  ابنَ ذي يزَن والغمدَ غُمدان
  6. أيـن الملوك ذَوو التيجان من يمنٍ      وأيـن  مـنهم أكـاليلٌ وتيجانُ ؟
  7. وأيـن مـا شـاده شـدَّادُ في إرمٍ      وأين ما ساسه في الفرس ساسانُ ؟
  8. وأيـن مـا حازه قارون من ذهب      وأيـن  عـادٌ وشـدادٌ وقحطانُ ؟
  9. أتـى عـلى الـكُل أمر لا مَرد له      حـتى قَـضَوا فكأن القوم ما كانوا
  10. وصـار ما كان من مُلك ومن مَلِك      كما حكى عن خيال الطّيفِ وسْنانُ
  11. دارَ  الـزّمانُ عـلى (دارا) وقاتِلِه      وأمَّ  كـسـرى فـما آواه إيـوانُ
  12. كـأنما  الصَّعب لم يسْهُل له سببُ      يـومًا ولا مَـلكَ الـدُنيا سُـليمانُ
  13. فـجائعُ  الـدهر أنـواعٌ مُـنوَّعة      ولـلـزمان  مـسرّاتٌ وأحـزانُ
  14. ولـلـحوادث سُـلـوان يـسهلها      ومـا  لـما حـلّ بالإسلام سُلوانُ
  15. دهـى  الـجزيرة أمرٌ لا عزاءَ له      هـوى  لـه أُحـدٌ وانـهدْ ثهلانُ
  16. أصابها العينُ في الإسلام فارتزأتْ      حـتى خَـلت مـنه أقطارٌ وبُلدانُ
  17. فـاسأل (بلنسيةً) ما شأنُ (مُرسيةً)      وأيـنَ (شـاطبةٌ) أمْ أيـنَ (جَيَّانُ)
  18. وأيـن (قُـرطبة)ٌ دارُ الـعلوم فكم      مـن عـالمٍ قـد سما فيها له شانُ
  19. وأين  (حْمص)ُ وما تحويه من نزهٍ      ونـهرهُا الـعَذبُ فـياضٌ وملآنُ
  20. قـواعدٌ كـنَّ أركـانَ الـبلاد فما      عـسى الـبقاءُ إذا لـم تبقَ أركانُ
  21. تـبكي الحنيفيةَ البيضاءُ من أسفٍ      كـما بـكى لـفراق الإلفِ هيمانُ
  22. عـلى  ديـار مـن الإسلام خالية      قـد أقـفرت ولـها بالكفر عُمرانُ
  23. حيث المساجد قد صارت كنائسَ ما      فـيـهنَّ  إلا نـواقيسٌ وصُـلبانُ
  24. حتى  المحاريبُ تبكي وهي جامدةٌ      حـتى الـمنابرُ ترثي وهي عيدانُ
  25. يـا غـافلاً وله في الدهرِ موعظةٌ      إن كـنت فـي سِنَةٍ فالدهرُ يقظانُ
  26. ومـاشيًا  مـرحًا يـلهيه مـوطنهُ      أبـعد  حمصٍ تَغرُّ المرءَ أوطانُ ؟
  27. تـلك الـمصيبةُ أنـستْ ما تقدمها      ومـا  لـها مع طولَ الدهرِ نسيانُ
  28. يـا راكـبين عتاق الخيلِ ضامرةً      كـأنها فـي مـجال السبقِ عقبانُ
  29. وحـاملين سـيُوفَ الـهندِ مرهفةُ      كـأنها فـي ظـلام الـنقع نيرانُ
  30. وراتـعين  وراء الـبحر في دعةٍ      لـهم  بـأوطانهم عـزٌّ وسـلطانُ
  31. أعـندكم  نـبأ مـن أهـل أندلسٍ      فـقد  سرى بحديثِ القومِ رُكبانُ ؟
  32. كم  يستغيث بنا المستضعفون وهم      قـتلى وأسـرى فما يهتز إنسان ؟
  33. مـاذا  الـتقاُطع في الإسلام بينكمُ      وأنـتمْ  يـا عـبادَ الله إخـوانُ ؟
  34. ألا  نـفـوسٌ أبَّـاتٌ لـها هـممٌ      أمـا عـلى الخيرِ أنصارٌ وأعوانُ
  35. يـا  مـن لـذلةِ قـومٍ بعدَ عزِّهمُ      أحـال  حـالهمْ جـورُ وطُـغيانُ
  36. بـالأمس كـانوا ملوكًا في منازلهم      والـيومَ هـم في بلاد الكفرِّ عُبدانُ
  37. فـلو  تـراهم حيارى لا دليل لهمْ      عـليهمُ مـن ثـيابِ الـذلِ ألوانُ
  38. ولـو رأيـتَ بـكاهُم عـندَ بيعهمُ      لـهالكَ  الأمـرُ واستهوتكَ أحزانُ
  39. يـا  ربَّ أمّ وطـفلٍ حـيلَ بينهما      كـمـا  تـفـرقَ أرواحٌ وأبـدانُ
  40. وطفلةً مثل حسنِ الشمسِ إذ طلعت      كـأنـما  يـاقـوتٌ ومـرجـانُ
  41. يـقودُها الـعلجُ لـلمكروه مكرهةً      والـعينُ  بـاكيةُ والـقلبُ حيرانُ
  42. لـمثل  هـذا يذوبُ القلبُ من كمدٍ      إن كـان فـي القلبِ إسلامٌ وإيمانُ
ابـــو  الـبـقـاء الـرنـدي

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

كلمتي الترحيبية لمؤتمر ذكاء الاعمال

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

اسمحو لي بداية بالاصالة عن نفسي و بالنيابة عن زملائي في شركة ريل سوفت و مايكروسوفت أن أرحب بالسيد نديم الخليلي مندوب معالي وزير الاتصالات و تكنولوجيا المعلومات الدكتور عزام سليط، و السيد عبد العزيز معلمي المدير العام للمعهد العربي للتدريب و البحوث الاحصائية.
و ارحب ايضا اجمل الترحيب بالحضور الكريم و اشكركم جميعا على تفضلكم بتلبية الدعوة لحضور مؤتمر التقنيات الحديثة لأنظمة ذكاء الأعمال و ادارة البيانات.

و لا يفوتني في هذه المناسبة تقديم جزيل الشكر لشركة مايكروسوفت على دعمها لفعاليات هذا المؤتمر.

يعتبر ذكاء الأعمال حقلا فتيا، متعدد التخصصات، متنوع الأوجه و الأشكال، متكامل الأبعاد يهدف إلى صهر الذكاء و الاعمال و التكنولوجيا في بوتقة واحدة تقوم على قاعدة و بنية نظم معلومات و تطبيقاتها.
و لعل أهمية ذكاء الأعمال تتجلى بصورة أوضح في عصرنا هذا عصر اقتصاد المعرفة  Knowledge Economy، فذكاء الأعمال هي الاداة التي يتسطيع متخذوا القرار من خلالها قراءة المعلومات الضرورية لأخذ قرارات حكيمة مبنية على قاعدة من المؤشرات المستنبطة من صلب نظم المعلومات التي يمتلكونها.

لقد كانت شركة ريل سوفت من الشركات السباقة في الاردن  لا و بل على صعيد العالم العربي بإدراك أهمية ذكاء الأعمال و دأبت على رسم رؤية واضحة المعالم من اجل تقديم حلول تعتمد على ذكاء الأعمال كأداة حيوية لأعمال اكثر ذكاء و مرونة و كفاءة في متناول أيدي صناع القرار متى و أينما كانوا، و بالفعل لقد ابتدأ المشوار في بداية العقد السابق أي منذ أكثر من عشر سنوات و تكللت جهودنا بنجاحات عدة و احدى ثمارها كان التحالف الاستراتيجي بيننا و بين مايكروسوفت الذي اتى اوكله سريعا فلقد استطاعت الشركة من انهاء ثلاثة مشاريع في الاردن و ثلاتة مشاريع اخرى في كل من السعودية، الشارقة، و سلطنة عمان.

لقد كشفت شركة Gartner بوصول حجم سوق برمجيات ذكاء الاعمال في الشرق الاوسط و شمال أفريقيا الى 182 مليون دولار خلال السنة الحالية أي بزيادة قدرها 11% من العام 2011، و تقول جارتنر انه من المرجح ان تنمو عائدات برمجيات ذكاء الأعمال الى 260 مليون دولار بنهاية عام 2016 و سيبقى قطاع ذكاء الاعمال أحد أسرع الأسواق نموا على الرغم من تباطؤ النمو الإقتصادي في بعض المناطق.

و لا تزال الأسواق تكتنز من الفرص الشيء الكثير، فحجم البيانات يتصاعد بشكل متضرد و خصوصا مع وجود كم كبير من المعلومات يتداول عبر شبكات التواصل الاجمتاعي الامر الذي استوجب اقحام مفردات جديدة مثل BIG DATA  لوصف مجموعات البيانات كبيرة الحجم.

لقد انتعشت جهود ذكاء الأعمال أيما انتعاش مع وجود تلك البيانات المسماة كبيرة الحجم، فكلما كبرت البيانات أصبح من الأسهل اكتشاف الأنماط و الإتجاهات الخطية الامر الذي سيلقي بظلاله بقوة على المؤسسات و الشركات و يفرض على إداراتها استغلال جهود ذكاء الأعمال في أعلى قائمة أولوياتها.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Egyptians and the story of Morsi

I was saddened by reading the comments that accompanied the article that appeared in the foreign policy publication ( mostly made by Egyptian for the following reasons

 1) The amount of hatred between the two sides in unbelievable and cannot  lead to a united Egypt.

2) The amount of fabrication and twisting of news to get perception inline with one's point of view is also shocking. for Example Tawakel is now a hero for the pro morsi protesters , while is evil for the others just because she seemed to have a specific point of view. I gather if she publishes another article tomorrow morning changing her point of view, her acceptance by the Egyptians would swap immediately. She is either applauded or accused by people who never heard of her or her work earlier, but were ready to make up a quick opinion about her in a matter of seconds. If you talk like me you are honorable , if not, you are miserable.  

3) It is crystal clear that Egyptians cannot stand an argument that opposes the one they subscribe to. Even the words that are used to describe the situation is full of implicit opinions. For example, i see people writing words like "Disgusting", "Shameful", "Sick Mind" , "Luring" if they are morsi opposition.  Why cannot you just plainly state your point of view without trying to depict the other side as inhuman and Evil? when we read these words, we cannot respect the writer or his/her point of view.

4) Most of the reasons  given in the comments of this article to justify ones point of view are invalid and mostly trivial. 

5)Affections play the prominent role in the forming of ones opinion in Egypt . General speaking, IF X country  elects Y president then this is a democracy , and if X military ousts  the Y president then this is a coup,,  However, if  X is Egypt, and Y is Morsi  and military over throws the president, then for the opposition it is democracy , however, if X is Egypt and Y is Morsi and you are pro morsi, then it is a coup. While for the rest of us it is coup "no affections attached".  Wake up Egyptians, this is not Umm Kalthum or Abdul Halim we are talking about here. keep your affection aside, and use Wisdom, Learn to accept each other, It is the future of the region and not only Egypt.  it is no longer  لنا الصدز دون العالمين او القبر
6)During the past 40 years i was following Egypt political status.I Was not particularly happy about many things then, but myself and all people around me were excessively  proud of you guys during your  quest for democracy during the Mubarak days. In fact, we wished that we were Egyptians, but Alas, not any more.

7) The outcome that i see today:  You let us down as you buried democracy at its infancy.  You made the Isreal happy; if the Israelis  were asked to customize an enemy for their liking, they could not have done any  better than what Egyptians are now providing , ie. the ideal enemy! and you made the world find out how trivial the Arab mind is, and finally and most importantly, the Arab world is not prepared for democracy, something General Sisi said in 2006, i must say, the guy is a visionary.  (by the way, is it true that his uncle works for Dahi Khalfan of UAE intelligence or this is yet another one of the fact twisting race going on in Egypt)
don't write any comments, i kind of anticipate what they will be! I read all possible combinations in comments sections, I will either be a sick minded , outwards thinking and all bad labeling that your vocabulary can describe or  your all time hero. All depends on if you like or dislike my opinion. Nevertheless, Seldom will i get a subjective critique.


Monday, June 17, 2013

Oracle ADF and Apache JEMETER

I am doing some consulting work for the Kuwait University.
I am utilizing Jmeter to stress test their ADF application and used a demo prepared by Chris Muir

Once i ran the recorded scenario, I notice the following error at the Jdeveloper Console
<_restoreserializedview> Not in GZIP format
at org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.renderkit.core.CoreResponseStateManager._restoreSerializedView(
at org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.renderkit.core.CoreResponseStateManager.getTreeStructureToRestore(
at org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.application.StateManagerImpl.restoreView(
etc ..

لا يوجد هيكل ولا يوجد جذر
<_handleexception> ADF_FACES-60098:تلقت دورة حياة Faces استثناءات غير معالجة في المرحلة RESTORE_VIEW 1
javax.faces.application.ViewExpiredException: viewId:/untitled1.jsp - ADF_FACES-30107:انتهت صلاحية حالة عرض الصفحة. إعادة تحميل الصفحة.
at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl._restoreView(

Go back to your Jmeter plan 
and check your HTTP requests and for each parameter that has javax.faces.ViewState, make sure that the value you type for that is  !${javax.faces.ViewState}.  Most probably , you have forgotten to add  the exclamation mark (!) at the beginning.
Yes, you need both  the exclamation mark the the dollar sign  

Ammar Sajdi

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The C language dominates the programming languages arean

The number One programming language is the C language according to|TIOBE Programming Community index

Oct 2012
Oct 2011
Delta in PositionProgramming LanguageRatings
Oct 2012
Oct 2011
12C19.822%+2.11%  A
21Java17.193%-0.72%  A
36Objective-C9.477%+3.23%  A
43C++9.260%+0.19%  A
55C#6.530%-0.19%  A
64PHP5.669%-1.15%  A
77(Visual) Basic5.120%+0.57%  A
88Python3.895%-0.05%  A
99Perl2.126%-0.31%  A
1011Ruby1.802%+0.28%  A
1110JavaScript1.261%-0.93%  A
1212Delphi/Object Pascal1.097%-0.01%  A
1313Lisp0.947%-0.08%  A
1418Pascal0.839%+0.12%  A
1516Lua0.728%-0.07%  A
1620Ada0.654%+0.04%  B
1715PL/SQL0.630%-0.27%  B
1825Visual Basic .NET0.599%+0.12%  A--
1921MATLAB0.591%+0.02%  B
2019Assembly0.568%-0.05%  B

The entire report can be found at

Ammar Sajdi

Sunday, October 14, 2012

From the Jewish Talmud

September 26, 2012 at 3:24 am
(This is copied and the original in one of the response in the article 

US Preparing for a Post-Israel Middle East?

by Franklin Lamb

August 28, 2012

From the Jewish Talmud:
1) If a Jew is tempted to do evil he should go to a city where he is not known and do the evil there. –Moed Kattan 17a
2) If a heathen (Gentile) hits a Jew, the Gentile must be killed. Hitting a Jew is the same as hitting God. –Sanhedrin 58b
3) A Jew need not pay a Gentile (“Cuthean”) the wages owed him for work. –Sanhedrin 57a
4) If a Jew finds an object lost by a Gentile (“heathen”) it does not have to be returned.
-Baba Mezia 24a also in Baba Kamma 113b
5) When a Jew murders a Gentile (“Cuthean”), there will be no death penalty. What a Jew steals from a Gentile he may keep. –Sanhedrin 57a
6) Gentiles are outside the protection of the law and God has “exposed their money to Israel”. –Baba Kamma 37b
7) All Gentile children are animals. –Yebamoth 98a
8) Gentile girls are in a state of niddah (filth) from birth. –Abodah Zarah 36b
9) Only Jews are human (“Only ye are designated men”). –Baba Kattan 114a-114b
10) Jews may use lies (“subterfuges”) to circumvent a Gentile. –Baba Kamma 113a and two rabbis:
11) Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburg, “We have to recognize that Jewish blood and the blood of a goy are not the same thing.” -NY Times, June 6, 1989
12) Rabbi Yaacov Perrin, “One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail.” -NY Daily News, Feb 28, 1994

Ammar Sajdi

Beautiful skies of Amman

(This post was written a few years back, do not know why it is popping here)

How dare you blame me for being immensely indulged and madly in love with weather after you see the picture shown . This is how the skies of Amman looked like yesterday afternoon (this picture was taken by Issa, right above English school)

And if you look to the picture below, you will understand more. See the feeling is mutual. it is not a one-sided kind of relationship:)

Anyway, In the last 48Hrs, the Eastern Med witnessed the first real intense weather system that dumped a staggering 70 mm of rain in western areas of jordan. By the way, the real rain in Amman started at 9 PM night on Tuesday, exactly when people casted their last ballots and election centers where announced closed.

Taking about elections in Jordan, our company PALCO was in charge for the computer software infrastructure. The difficulty lies in the criticality and the size, where in one day, no errors are allowed , no power failure are allowed, no software glitches are allowed, and you need to have 4000 users simultaneously logged in hitting the database at a rate of around 50 transactions per second from all over Jordan. We had to maintain and support data entry through web interfaced accessed from around 1200 schools all around Jordan.

Two database in RAC configuration were taking the load, each server with 8 CPUs.
Around 8 application Server with Apache (the guy with the feather) installed served as HTTP server.

It was a record breaking stressful month with stress intensifying as the election date was approaching to finally reach a paramount on the day of election. The team had to be available for round the clock.

Anyway, it was real, it was fun , but it was NOT a real fun. The important things is that it ended in a way we hoped it would and we learned a lot. This is not the first time we support election software infrastructure, the first time was back in 1997.

And today, which is my favorite Thursday, we ended the week and the day at champions Latino night-Marriott.

Well i am preparing myself for one heck of a day! next Sunday in Damscus. The project delivery day!!!!

Fundamentals of Software Testing

Originally posted on jan , 23 2009, Published again on Sept,18,2024 extracted completely from